Automotive Jewelry
Volume One: Mascots • Badges
Mascots and badges are a unique art form that have identified automotive marques since the late 19th century. This “automotive jewelry” has been beautifully presented in photographs by Michael Furman, and with enlightened commentary from an internationally renowned group of historians, designers, authors, collectors and curators. This significant group includes, among others, Robert Cumberford, Ed Welburn, Sandra Button, Paul Russell, Simon Moore, Sam Mann, Nicola Bulgari, Donald Osborne, Simon Kidston, Richard Adatto, Robert Ingram, Christian Philippsen, Teckla Rhoads and Robert Strand. Their unique perspectives and insights will heighten the experience of 200 mascots and badges presented in an elegant museum-style edition.
Automotive Jewelry, Volume One: Mascots and Badges, the latest title from Coachbuilt Press will be available in August after its world premiere at the Pebble Beach Concours d’Elegance.
"Furman’s Automobile Jewelry is just right. Looking at lesser but well-done works on mascots and badges and one might say, '…well, yes, that’s excellent, fine,' and keep turning the pages. But so striking is Furman’s work that he stops one dead on the page, illuminating with incredible depth and intensity, often accompanied by interesting comments." – Veloectoday.com
Michael Furman is a recognized master of the art of automobile photography…Automotive Jewelry is a celebration of those seemingly small additions to the automobile, the badges and mascots. While rarely contributing to a car’s function, they are nonetheless crucial to its identity. If the essence of the vehicle can be distilled into one recognized part, this is it…through Furman’s images and the comments of 35 other noted writers, designers, historians, restorers, judges and collectors, we learn more about what the mascots represented and why and about the designers who created both. - motorsportsmarketingresources.com